Tony Steven | Author | Speaker | Realist
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What if we could trust more people? Imagine a world where giving was more predominant than taking. A world where everyone had an opportunity to live the life they deserve. See more on my page called "The Dream".

The Answer is You -  What if we could trust more people?

First Chapter Sample

Tony Steven


Available NOW!
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Tony Steven The Answer is You

Tony Steven's book The Answer is You is out now!

Buy your copy to awaken yourself to self-responsibility.  


The Answer is You is a book that helped me understand the separation between me, and my thoughts and emotions. This led to the realisation that I can have more control over them. I appreciated the lessons this book contained. I would thoroughly recommend. 

—  Tricia

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Tony Steven - the now


Tony Steven is a realist and educator who will show you the enormous power you have over the circumstance of your life. After a lifetime of research, reading and education he has written a book, developed keynote presentations and educational seminars to show people that they are the ones responsible. No escaping the truth any longer, no blaming or being offended, Tony will explain the power you have, highlight your self-responsibility and bring you to an awakening that will explain life and the way you should live it. In his 7th decade, Tony has the experience to educate and guide you to the control you need to exercise self-discipline so that you can work for the life you want. Unlike almost all other coaches Tony will lead you away from emotional motivations and help you see life for what it is and give the key information for you to see the truth. This could be your red pill. 


 Tony Steven - the old


For 30 years Tony Steven worked in the Not for Profit sector ending as the CEO of the Australian Medical Association in the state of Tasmania. For many of those years he ran his own Association Management Company where his clients included the Council of Small Business of Australia and National Independent Retailers Association. He was also the State Director of the Liberal Party of Australia in Tasmania in the 1990's. Tony holds a Diploma in Business Management, Certificate in Front line Management and Hospitality and is a Distinguished Toastmaster, with Toastmasters International. Having developed extensive experience in the not for profit sector Tony has represented many associations in Canberra and on many different Boards, Committees and lobby groups at both State and Federal level, he has also made many international representations. Tony is also a former Past President of AuSAE (Australasian Society of Associations Executives) spanning both Australia and New Zealand where he oversaw the redevelopment of the organisation increasing membership ten times.


Tony Steven

The Answer is You



0409 219 368




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