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Figure 2 - Tony Steven.png
Table 2 - Tony Steven.png
Figure 3 - Tony Steven.png
Table 1 - Tony Steven.png
Table 3 - Tony Steven.png
Table 12 - Tony Steven (Part One).png
Table 12 - Tony Steven (Part Two).png
Table 4 - Tony Steven.png

These are other links to other Authors who have also worked in the Self Improvement area. Click on their icon below to go to their site.

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Kate Gale eBook Cover.webp
Hugh Van Cuylenberg 81OT9qIBJxL._AC_UY32
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Over the years I have read many books and been to many courses that have helped me and others recognize the power we really have, it's not within our emotions, it's within the actions we take.


No hiding from it, we are in reality here and if we want something we have to "act" with good ethics in the best interest of all.


I have listed many of those books here for your selection.



Agnew, G. 2014 Hope in 60 Seconds. Red Raven Books (The Copy Collective).

Allis, J. 2016 Boost Your Life. Wiley; 2nd edition.

Armitage, S. 2014 Shine. Hachette Australia.

Assaraf J & Smith M. 2009 The Answer. Atria Books; Reprint edition (September 29, 2009)

Badenach, C. 2011 Old head on young shoulders. A&A Book Publishing

Beaumont, D. 2005 Secrets of business owners exposed. Independently published.

Biddulph, S. 1994. Manhood. Lane Cove, N.S.W. : Finch Publishing.

Black, B. 2006 Brave little bear. Inspire Publishing.

Bowman, S. 2013 Leading from the edge of possibility. Access Consciousness Publishing, LLC; 2 edition.

Branson, R. 2009 Business the Richard Branson way. Capstone; 1 edition (18 May 2009)

Branson, R. 2011 Losing my virginity. Virgin Digital (4 August 2011)

Branson, R. 2011 Screw it let's do it. Penguin Random House Australia, 2011

Byrne, R. 2006 The Secret. Simon & Schuster, c2006

Byrne, R. 2011 The Power. Simon & Schuster Australia (7 July 2011)

Byrne, R 2012 The Magic. Simon & Schuster UK (5 March 2012)

Byrne, R. 2013 Hero. ATRIA (19 November 2013)

Carlzon, J. 1989 Moments of Truth. HarperCollins - US; New ed edition

Carnegie, D. 2016 How to Win Friends and Influence People. Harper Collins - Australia (latest edition)

Cawthorn, S. 2019 Bounce forward. Wiley; 2 edition (31 December 2019)

Cawthorn, S. 2013 Story showing. Wiley; 1 edition (5 June 2013)

Chapman, G. 2011 The Five Pillars of Guaranteed business success. Empower Business Solutions Pty., Ltd.

Chapman, Gary. 1982 Five Love Languages. Northfield Publishing.

Chopra, D. 1994 Timeless Mind Ageless Body. Harmony; 2nd ed. edition (27 December 1994)

Chopra, D. 2010 The Soul of Leadership. Harmony; 1 edition (28 December 2010)

Chopra, D. 2010 Muhammad. HarperOne; Reprint edition (8 September 2010)

Chopra, D. 2009 Buddha. Brilliance Audio; Abridged edition (November 30, 2009)

Chopra, D. 2012 Self-power. Ebury Publishing (May 4, 2012)

Chopra, D. 2015 The Future of God. Harmony (November 10, 2015)

Chopra, D. 2013 Super Brain. Harmony; Reprint edition (22 October 2013)

Covey, S. 2004 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press; Revised edition (November 9, 2004)

Covey, S. 1996 First things first. Free Press 1 edition (19 February 1996)

Dalai Lama, His Holiness. 2012 Beyond Religion. Mariner Books; Reprint edition (6 November 2012)

Dalai Lama, His Holiness 2010 The Art of Happiness. Riverhead Books; 10th Anniversary ed. edition (25 February 2010)

Davies, P. 1993 The Mind of God. Simon & Schuster; Reprint edition (5 March 1993)

Davis, J. 2001 1000 Marbles. Andrews McMeel Publishing (June 15, 2001)

Dyer, W. 2006 Real magic creating miracles in everyday life. HarperCollins - US; Reprint edition (9 June 2006)

Edgar, P. 2017 Peak - reinventing middle age. Text Publishing (February 27, 2017)

Fox, J. 1998 How to become a CEO. Hachette Books; 1st edition (October 7, 1998)

Frankl, V. 2006. The Search for meaning. Frankl, Viktor E.; 1 edition (1 June 2006)

George, B. 2009 7 lessons for leading in a crisis. Jossey-Bass; 1 edition (August 24, 2009)

Gerber, M. 1994 The E myth Revisited. HarperCollins - US; 3 Revised edition edition (8 November 1994)

Gill, M. 2012 Meta Secret. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 18, 2012)

Goldsmith, M. 2010 Mojo. Hachette Books; 1 edition (February 2, 2010)

Grey, J. 2012 Men are from Mars women are from Venus. HarperElement (2 February 2012)

Hawkes, T. 2014 10 conversations you must have with your son. Hachette Australia (24 June 2014)

Hawking, S. 2011 The Grand Design. BANTAM UK; 1 edition (1 September 2011)

Hawking, S. 1998 A brief history of Time. Bantam; 10th Anniversary edition (September 1, 1998)

Herald, J. 2011 Would you like attitude with that. ReadHowYouWant; 16th ed. edition (29 March 2011)

Hill, N. 2005 Think and Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill; Rev Exp edition (18 August 2005)

Hooper, D. 2017 You are what you think. Psycology Today Mar 20, 2017

Jeffers, S. 2014 Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Ebury Digital; Revised edition (17 December 2014)

Kiyosaki, R. T. 1997 Rich Dad Poor Dad. Unabridged, Anniversary edition (June 20, 2017)

Kiyosaki, R. T. & Lechter S. 2015 Rich Dad Poor Dad for teens. Plata Publishing (18 September 2015)

Kiyosaki, R. T. 2015 Rich dad's guide to investing. Plata Publishing; Reprint edition (18 September 2015)

Leighton, E. & F. 1988 Life your great adventure. Quest Books; Revised, Subsequent edition (October 25, 1988)

Losier, M. 2010 The Law of attraction. Grand Central Life & Style; 1 edition (12 May 2010)

Malley, A. 2014 The Naked CEO. Wiley; 1 edition (31 October 2014)

Manson, M. 2016 The Subtle art of not giving a f*** . Harper; 2nd Edition edition (September 13, 2016)

Manson, M. 2019 Everything is f***. HarperCollins - US (14 May 2019)

McCrindle, M. 2011 The Power of Good. Port Campbell Press (March 24, 2011)

McCrindle, M. 2009 The ABC of XYZ.  UNSW Press (1 October 2009)

McKenna, P.  2009 Instant confidence. BANTAM PRESS; 1 edition (1 July 2009)

McLean, R. 2006 Any given team. Leading Teams Australia; 1 edition (1 August 2006)

McLean, R. 2015 Teamwork. Leading Teams Australia; 1 edition (1 December 2015)

Messenger, L. 2009 Maverick marketing. Messenger Publishing (15 September 2009)

Messenger, L. 2009 Happiness is. Messenger Publishing (15 September 2009)

Peace, A. & B. 2016 The Answer. Orion; First Paperback Edition edition (December 29, 2016)

Peale, N. 2003. The Power of Positive Thinking. Touchstone Books; Reprint edition (17 March 2003)

Peterson, J. P. 2018 12 rules for life. Random House Canada (23 January 2018)

Proctor, R. 2015 Thoughts are things. Tarcherperigee; Reprint edition (29 December 2015)

Robbins, A. 1992 Awaken the Giant Within. Free Press; New edition edition (1 November 1992)

Robbins, A. 2017 Unshakeable. Simon & Schuster UK (1 March 2017)

Saddique, R. 2013 Equal Justice. Macmillan Australia (1 October 2013)

Saggers, S. How to be in debt for millions and be happy about it. Positive Real Estate

Sharma, R. 2008 The Greatness guide. HarperBusiness; 6 Reprint edition (1 September 2008)

Sinek, S. 2011 Start with why. Sinek, Simon; Reprint edition (27 December 2011)

Sugars, B. J. 2006 Instant Team building.  McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (9 January 2006)

Sugars, B. J. 2006 Successful Franchising. McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (9 January, 2006)

Sugars, B. J. 2006 Instant systems. McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (9 January 2006)

Tolle, E. 2004 The Power of Now. Toll+A2:E81e, Eckhart; Reprint edition (19 August 2004)



Courses and Presentations drawn upon:

  1. Landmark Course Sydney

  2. Deepak Chopra

  3. Alan Peace

  4. Speakers Institute

  5. Toastmasters 20 years

  6. Brad Sugars

  7. Mark McCrindle

  8. Steve Biddulph

  9. Theosophical Society Membership

  10. Dale Beaumont


Tony Steven

The Answer is You



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